
They say a picture is worth a thousand words

I, like many others, am just a mom who loves taking pictures of her little ones. So have a seat and take a peek at what life actually LOOKS like inside the boys' locker room!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Our new game table

*Juju waiting so patiently for daddy*

*Let the games begin! (Look at how he GETS INTO IT)*

*YAY JUJU! His first point!*

*Aww man...daddy scored*

*One more point for Juju..daddy was trying to give him five and all he was worried about was moving the next number for his point*

*The face that makes it all worth it!*


  1. How fun!!!!! My kids would be all over that! LOL

  2. Wow! My girls would love a game table! he looks like it's the best thing ever.
